Saturday, December 31, 2005

Am I 20?

In the states, people usually guess that I am young as 18 or old as 22 years old. I once was carded at a movie theater for the film “Eye Wide Shut” and I just automatically flip out my ID at all bar establishment. I have a little baby face connected to small head connected to a small body. Subsequently my small stature sometimes makes people perceive my younger brother Viet (23 years old) as the older sibling. Now I always contributed my youthful appearance to the Asian gene and that genetically my body has a longer shelf life than the typical Euro-American.

Then I show up in Viet Nam and the phenomenon continues. Often people don’t believe that I am twenty-six. I probably look younger than my younger roommates who are 19 and 23.

So my new hypothesis is that I am special Asian and I am living in the environmentally cleaner and nutritionally fuller US of A, and thus creating a natural fountain of youth.

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