Yet the kicker wasn’t the chicken or that I was invited to urinate in their yard, but the huge bin of snake wine. The leading Pham of the household brings out his pride and joy, a three year old vat of fermented snake and oddball vermit alcohol. This snake-ohol had the stench of a big liquor punch whirling in a muddy grayish solution. It had the look of diluted swamp water. He poured me and the four other men a shot glass of the intoxicating ghetto juice.
I hesitated and held the glass up to my nose. I said to myself, “It’s just like Tequila or even better, Ecto Cooler Kool Aid.” I shifted the glass to my lips and took a gentle whiff of the pungent fumes. I held my breath and wetted my lips with the “Ecto Cooler.”
But I stopped, recognizing the possible ignition of the gag reflex. I could not go any further. I returned to my Tiger beer (Thank god it’s not made of Tiger. It’s just a brand name.) as a defeated snake wine drinker.
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